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Today's Program

JANUARY 18, 2025

"Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made." - Genesis 2:3


9:20 AM - 10: 30 AM

Welcome & Prayer
Lynda Miguel
Opening Song
"Bind Us Together"
Praise Team
Scripture Reading
John 17:22-23
Chloe Breaux
Superintendent's Remark
Lynda Miguel
Closing Song
"Side by Side"
Praise Team
Closing Prayer
Lynda Miguel


10:40 AM

Songs of Praise
Praise Team
Invocation Hymn
"Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow"
Praise Team
Invocation Prayer
David Miguel
Tithes & Offering
Local Church Budget
Joemir Aquino
Children's Story
Kiyoko Yuzon
Share Christ
Religious Liberty
Jelon Avery
Praise & Prayer
Margarita Fernando
Call to Worship
John 4:23-24
Lillyanna Marie Martin
Hymn of Praise
"What a Faithful God Have I"
Praise Team
Spoken Word
Let Us Rewind
David Miguel
Response Hymn
"Blessed Assurance"
Praise Team
David Miguel


Church-Wide Communication

We encourage everyone to get on board with our new communication system. Simply text "hello" to (833) 711-5829 and you'll automatically be added to the new system.

Transfer of Membership

This is the 2nd reading for Kit-zia Esmeralda Garcia Gutierrez, transferring from Campbell SDA Church to San Jose Central SDA Church.

Thank You

Thank you to all those who were able to gift a donation during the holiday season to the ministries on Christmas tree. Please feel free to give throughout the year to the ministries of your choice by writing it in on the tithe envelope. 2 Corinthians 9:7 “For God loves a cheerful giver.”

Women's Ministry Meeting

Meeting is today in the kindergarten room at 1:30PM. All Sisters, visitors and members, no matter the age, are invited to attend!

Fellowship Lunch

The Fellowship Lunch Ministry is in need, your donation is greatly appreciated. Please write in the envelope “fellowship lunch” and your contribution. Thank you!

Digital Evangelism

Final Meeting before kick off on Tuesday (1/14 @ 7PM). Those who are in the group, please plan to attend our Final Training via Zoom.

Board Meeting

January 13th @ 7PM. All board members, please be present. Thank you.


There will be a VBS Training Program on February 23rd at the Clovis SDA Church in Fresno. For those of you who would like to volunteer for VBS and are interested in training, please contact Kiyoko Yuzon for registration information.

2024 Tithe Receipts

To ensure the deductibility of your church contributions, please do not file your 2024 income tax until you have received a written acknowledgment of your contributions from the church. Some of your contributions may not be tax-deductible if you file your tax return before receiving a written acknowledgement of your contributions from the church.


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