Our Church Ministries
We have a wide variety of ministries that are catered to all ages, specialties, and talents. There are multiple ways to serve God and spread His word to all.

Children's Ministry
​We aim to teach our children to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and to teach children values centered on religion, empathy, and discipline. These goals are accomplished through activities centered around Bible teachings and outreach.
Ministry Leader: Kiyoko Yuzon

Youth Ministry
Our mission is the salvation of the youth through Jesus Christ.
Ministry Leader: Jesus Martinez

Personal Ministry
We provide resources and train church members to unite their efforts with the ministers and church officers to proclaim the gospel of salvation in Christ. We enlist each member to win souls for God.
Ministry Leader: Pattie Martinez

Social Committee
We are responsible for planning and coordinating church-wide fellowship activities.
Ministry Leader: Morena Breaux

Men's Ministry
Men Overcoming Struggles Together (MOST) is committed in leading men to a relationship to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Ministry Leader: Tony Hermosillo

Women's Ministry
Ladies In Fellowship Together (LIFT) ministers to the spiritual, emotional physical, and social needs of women around the world. We encourage women to improve their potential and participation in the mission of the church. We provide a support system and a forum to address topics and issues that affect women within and outside of the church.
Ministry Leader: Sandra Jackson

Prayer Ministry
Our objective is to make prayer life more effective. This is accomplished through activities, such as making time for prayer and meditating in God's presence with a prayer partner.
Ministry Leader: Jelon Avery

Religious Liberty Ministry
We serve the church and the community by alerting them to developments that may impact religious freedom.
Ministry Leader: Jelon Avery

Health Ministry
We are a resource for information and counsel on health and lifestyle through literature, programs, and Sabbath services. We provide publications and services to reach out to the world concerning the physical, mental, and soul-destroying effects of tobacco, alcohol, and other substances.
Ministry Leader: Sandra Torres

Community Service
We serve the community in Christ's name and proclaim the Good News, the word of salvation, and demonstrate the love of God to people who are sick and in need.
Ministry Leader: Margarita Fernando

Let's Work Together
If you are interested in participating in any of these ministries, please contact a Church Elder to connect you with the ministry leader of your choice.